UUCL sermons
Over the course of a year in a congregation, I might preach sermons that inform or comfort, challenge or reassure. They might be prophetic or pastoral, or something in between. Sermons are at the best, a dialogue with current events (both world and congregational) and with tradition (Unitarian Universalism, world history, and the local congregation). They are artifacts of a specific time and place.
Awesome and Awful
December 8, 2019
Do we save or savor the world? Do we despair or rejoice? In this season of awe, is the world awesome or awful? Do we have to choose?
The Breath of Our Ancestors:
November 3, 2019
On November 7, 1957, Amby Saricks invited people who might be Unitarians to gather at the Eldridge Hotel (in Lawrence, KS) to discuss Unitarianism. What mattered to our ancestors? What is their legacy? How might we intepret their legacy in our vastly different age? We will observe the Universalist holiday of All Souls' Day.
The Meaning of Membership
October 6, 2019
It means something to be a member of a local congregation. What separates our congregation from other progressive groups? Why would someone join a UU congregation in 2019?
Tough Guise or Tough Guys
April 14, 2019
In this sermon, I explore the differences between toxic masculinity and healthy masculinity, the roots of it, the impacts of toxic masculinity and what we might do to dismantle it.
Reclaiming and Reframing
December 9, 2018
It's unavoidable. It is the Christmas season, and we need to talk about Jesus and God. Our transcendentalist forebears and others wrote of the Divine Spark. What does that mean today? What would it mean for a 21st Century Unitarian Universalist to be a follower of the way of Jesus?